9 min read

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1. Mois

2. Tamama

3. Dororo

4. Keroro

5. Koyuki

6. Kururu

7. Giroro

8. Natsumi

9. Fuyuki

10. Momoka

11. Alisa

12. Saburo

Quiz Time~~

1. 1,3,6,10 are playing poker. Who wins?

Momoka: Fuck yeah! I won!

Mois, Dororo and Kururu sulk in a corner.

2. 4 &9 are about to get married. 2,5,7 crashes their wedding. What happens?


Giroro: I'm only doing this for Natsumi..

Koyuki: If Natsumi-san objects this wedding, I'll object too!

Keroro: Private Tamama! You saved me!

3. If 12 just screams in the middle of the night, what is the reason?

Saburo's arm got cut off by Giroro.

4. 2,4,5 are in a play. What kind of play?

The cliché,  Romeo and Juliet.

Tamama is Juliet, Keroro is Romeo. Koyuki is a side character,

5. 3 send birthday invitations to 4,8,11. However, they didn't show. What happens?

Dororo comes to the Hinata Household and severely punishes everyone except Natsumi, for Koyuki's sake.

6. Dancing with the Stars invited 6 to their show. Will he/she accept?

Kururu: Tch..Why would I accept an invitation to some stupid dancing show?

7. Who would win in chess, 1 or 2?

Tamama vs. Mois.,.

Neither because Keroro rudely interupts their game.

Mois: Uncle is stupid!

Tamama: Gunsou-san! I was just about to defeat that woman!

8. If 4&7 played battleship (the game), who would win?


9. Who would win in real battleship, 4 or 7?


10. If 1-6 and 7-12 are two teams, which team would win in dodge ball?

Mois's team would win.

11. Would 3 win in a triathlon?

(No idea what that is)

12. 1&6 are going out. 7&12 are following them. Why?

Giroro: It's weird for Kururu and Mois to be hanging out..

Alisa: Daddy..Is this what a date is like?

Nebula: Yes, Alisa.

13. If 9 is hired to kill 4, who hired 9?

Nobody. Because Fuyuki would never kill Keroro.

14. Today is dissection day. 9,10,11 are placed in a group for dissection. What happens?

Fuyuki: I don't want to dissect a frog...

Momoka: Fuyuki-kun..Fuyuki-kun...FUYUKI-KUN!!!

Momoka faints.

Alisa: Fuyuki. What is dissecting?

15. 8 is trapped in a hole for 3 days in a forest. 1 finds him/her. Would 1 help?

Mois: N-Natsumi-san!

Natsumi: Someone....anyone..help...

Mois pulls Natsumi out,

16. 3&7 are at a bar. If a fight starts, who started it?


17. 4&6 are making out in the bathroom. 10 really needs to go to the bath room (really, really bad). What happens?


I replace Kururu with Tamama.

Tamama: Yay! I get to make out with Gunsou-san!

Tamama and Keroro make out.

Momoka breaks the door to the bathroom. "WHAT IS TAKING SO GODDAMN L- T-Tama-chan? Keroro-san?"

18. If 1 were to open a shop, what shop would it be?

Mois: A shop dedicated to Uncle!

19. Can 11 be trusted with a machine gun?


20. 12 sees a rainbow. He/She follows the rainbow. If he/she found the pot of gold, would he/she kill the leprechauns or bribe him?

Knowing Saburo, he'd probably kill them.

21. If 2&5 are drunk and went to 3's house, what happens?

Koyuki: Dororo ♥

Dororo: K-Koyuki-dono?

Tamama eats anything he sees.

Koyuki tries to make out with Dororo.

Koyuki: Do-ro-ro~ ♡

22. 4 just won the lottery. What would he/she spend it on first?

Keroro: GUNPLA.

23. If all entered the Olympics, who would win the most gold medals?

Natsumi and Koyuki.

24. If all played Mario&Sonic the Olympic games, who wins the events?


25. 11 is babysitting the class pet. Would the pet survive?


26. 4&11 are eating cake. However, the cake was 12's birthday cake. What happens?

Saburo: That was my..

Keroro: Shit..Alisa-dono, we better run...

Alisa was already.


27. Can 1&5 be trusted to babysit 3's child?

Dororo: Koyuki is my wife. Of course she can take care of our child. Mois is very gentle, so I can trust her, too.

Koyuki: Nin Nin!

Mois: You could say, gaining trust?

28. If snow is outside, what is 9's reaction?

Fuyuki: Yay! I don't have to go to the sports festival.

29. It's Christmas. Who gets the biggest present?


30. 2 wants to confess his/her love to 3. However 3 wants to confess to 1. They each wrote a letter to each other. They meet at the same place. What happens?

Tamama: Wait, I didn't want to confess to Doronuma-senpai..Wrong person!

Dororo: I thought I was confessing to Koyuki...Wrong person!

Mois: ...

31. Who would be best in James Bond movies?


32. If all of them are stranded on an island, who would resort to cannibalism first?


33. Write a conversation about a dinner party involving 1,3,7,8,11.

Mois: Welcome! This dinner party was arranged so we could talk about our love lives! Don't be afraid! Feel free to rant to the person of your choice!

Natsumi: Mois-chan! Let's rant about our crushes!

Mois: Roger!

Natsumi: I have a big crush on Saburo~ He's so cool and handsome~ I wish I could marry him someday!

Mois: I know this isn't right, but I have 2 crushes..Kururu-san and Uncle..

Dororo: Giroro, Alisa-dono! Shall we?

Alisa: Okay.

Giroro: I love Natsumi deeply..But she's in love with that stupid Saburo guy! I honestly don't know what she sees in him. He seems like a jerk. And he can't even defend himself! I can't believe his arm got cut off!

Dororo: I love Koyuki but I don't like the way she is around Natsumi..I wish for her to be happy but I get jealous when she's around Natsumi..

Alisa: I have nothing to say.

Giroro & Dororo: Why did you come here?

34. 5 is trapped in a gorilla cage. 6&4 are outside of the cage. Will they help?

Keroro tries to help Koyuki. Kururu sleeps.

35. Would 9 be a good peacemaker? If so, what are his/her methods?

Getting Keroro to stop his invasion.

36. If 1 is winning in DDR, would 2 step on his/her feet?

(Again, I don't know what that is.)

37. 3 wants to commit suicide because some reason. 10 is the only person with him/her.

Dororo: Everyone is ignoring me, I feel like dying..

Momoka: I feel like Fuyuki-kun is neglecting me...

38. 4,5,8,12 are playing strip poker. What happens?

(No idea how to play poker)

39. 2+8=10, 3+7=10. Which one is better?

3 + 7.

40. 3+4=7. 7+5=12. Will it be happy family?


41. 1,6,9,10 are square dancing. Will 5 join in or do something else?

Koyuki will join.

42. 3 is peeping into the girls locker room. 7 sees 3 peeping. What happens?

Giroro: I-I'll take a small peek.. Don't look at Natsumi..

Dororo: Koyuki ♥♥♥♥

43. What happens if you give 12 a chainsaw?

Saburo chainsaws his leg.

44. 11 challenges you to a hot dog eating contest. Do you accept?

Me: No

45. 4 is driving. A deer is in the way. What happens?

Keroro drives over the deer without realizing.

46. Would 5&10 go out?

Momoka: HELL NO!

Koyuki: ?

47. 1,2,3,5,6 went on a picnic. Why didn't 4 come?

Keroro would rather play with Gunpla.

48. If 9 were to get a job, what would it be?

A traveler.

49. Out of all of them, who will rule the world?

Kururu or Mois.

50. If 7 were to go to a competition, what would it be?

A shooting competition.

51. 3&7 are having smexy time. 9 is next door. What happens?

Fuyuki: ...Please tell me their not doing that...

52. Is 12 good at defusing bombs?


53. 6,7,9,12 are drunk. If they go to 4's house, what happens?


Giroro: Keron~ Keron~ Keron~ Kero, Keron Keron Keron I love Keron~

54. If you lend 11 a bazooka, who would she/he kill first?


55. 7,8,9,10,12 are at a ball. What is the first thing that could go wrong?

Giroro, Fuyuki, Momoka, and Natsumi vomit all over Saburo.

56. If 7&9 fought for 3's love, who wins?


57. Who should make the perfect couple?


59. If all are fighting, who started it?


60. If a ghost invaded 7's house, what would be the first thing he/she would do?

Giroro runs around screaming.

61. to be continued.
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